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For those people who are interested in a philanthropic side to their safari, we can suggest where your generosity would be best placed.

Access to hospitals and medical clinics is not always easy, and some people are a couple of days' walk from the nearest help. There are mobile clinics that go out to these far flung spots We would be happy to show you some of these and work out the best way to help.

Kenya has quite a few orphanages, especially in Nairobi, for babies, toddlers and older children. The Nest is a smaller privately run establishment and we always happy to support their cause. 

There are also  many projects to get the children off the streets and off the glue that they sniff, back into schools and some form of housing. These projects truly help to build lives.

Education is one of the most important things you can do to help build Kenya. Secondary school is not always an option for some families. For approximately $550 you can help pay the secondary school  fees for a child from a needy family for one year. However, we do request you only take this on if you are happy to offer a five year payment plan. 

Further education in some form of practical training for older students is also of vital importance, whether it's guiding, plumbing or cooking. Some way to help them find a job later. 

Having the opportunity to earn a living brings people dignity and pride.

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Family Planning

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The education of women is key, so they can have a choice of how many children they have, bring them up in a much healthier way and decide how they educate them. There are excellent clinics, some in existing medical centres and some mobile ones off the back of a camel who we would love you to support. 


There are so many ways to help with conservation and human wildlife conflict is one of the bigger problems we see. As our population grows, people have  no choice but to  move closer and closer to the wildlife reserves with their small holding farms and there they have trouble. Elephants can eat a maize field that would keep a family going for a year in a night! Lions, leopards and hyena find a slow moving cow or rather a silly sheep easy pickings. Forests get cut down for charcoal which leads to deforestation. 



There are some wonderful programmes that help to mitigate these issues and seek long-term sustainable solutions.

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